It’s been three decades since New Hampshire’s only children’s hospital was officially approved to operate within the then-newly constructed Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center in Lebanon. On June 20, 1992, a kick-off celebration marked the decision by the National Association of Children’s Hospitals and Related Institutions (NACHRI, now the Children’s Hospital Association) that made the Children’s Hospital at DHMC (CHaD) possible. Thirty years later, staff celebrations were held at both DHMC and Dartmouth Hitchcock Clinics Manchester, where pediatric services are provided.
“The support of the community has allowed us to grow CHaD and extend its services statewide so we can be extremely patient-centered, in (and of) the local community and a treasured New Hampshire resource,” said Keith J. Loud, MD, MSc, CHaD's physician in chief. “While we officially turn 30 this year, the hospital and region have a long history in pediatrics that led up to its creation.”